Dry Needling and Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain

Great new article that explains the difference and similarity between Dry Needling and Acupuncture. Dry needling is, in effect, a specialized kind of acupuncture based on deactivation of Trigger Points. In recent year, new work has been done in the Sports Acupuncture field on the importance of deactivation of not only Trigger Points, but Motor Points.

The most effective treatment of Acute and Chronic Shoulder Pain is the use of Dry Needling of Trigger and Motor Points, ALONG WITH, the use of Chinese style acupuncture on the Ah Shi points and to open the flow of Qi through the channel in which the Myofascial pain occurs. This combines the best of both worlds--deactivation of trigger points and motor points, along with movement of Qi and additional "soft tissue" or fascial decompression. I call this Myofascial Acupuncture.

In addition, in my San Diego Myfascial acupuncture practice, I also use an advanced Chinese cupping technique called "Sliding Cups" utilizing the anti-inflammatory effects of both Ayurvedic Oils like Mahanarayan Oil, and Chinese liniments such as Golden Sunshine Pain Cream and Spring Wind Brand Dr. Shir's Liniment,created by Andy Ellis from his Chinese teacher's recipe.

When necessary, especially for frozen shoulder, I like to use electrical stimulation on the needles. I also use heat to move the qi and relax the sinews/connective tissue.

Very important are the home exercises I teach, which combine what I have learned form the Egoscue method with what I have learned from the Feldenkrais method.
At times I will refer my shoulder pain or neck and back pain patients who have a long history of bad posture or an inability to pick up exercises on their own, to local Feldenkrais or Egoscue practitioners.

Here is an in depth article from my website on Dry Needling and Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain

copyright Eyton J. Shalom, M.S., L.Ac. San Diego, CA All Rights Reserved, Use With Permission Ayurveda, Acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine in San Diego http://www.bodymindwellnesscenter.com
